
We RBS Alumni believe everybody deserves a chance to fulfill their potential. Our Scholarship priorities those people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to come to RBS. We believe that giving a gift of education can change (your) world

Our goal is to raise 24000 EUR and award a scholarship to a deserving student who might not otherwise have the financial means to attend RBS BITL program, which includes 4 years tuition fee and 300EUR scholarship for the first 9 months of the studies to ensure support for living and starting studies at RBS 

Help us make an impact in the lives of RBS students this year!


Want to join us in a good cause? We’re raising money for the RBS scholarship fund, and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate EUR 10 or EUR 500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support! 

Please remember any donation, whether it’s EUR 10 or EUR 1000, can help deserving students attend RBS.

24000 EUR

Our Goal

5406 EUR

Raised For Today



Dear Alumni,

Since the early 90s Riga Business school has provided graduate level business education to more than 1200 students and since 2012 undergraduate level business education to more than 200 students. Following market trends, starting from 2020 RBS is providing undergraduate program Bachelor of IT leadership (BITL) combining business, finance and IT subjects to prepare new leaders for the upcoming challenges in the employment marketplace.

Today, we live in times of high uncertainty. Our obtained education and developed skillset at RBS play great value in helping us push through these tough times. Many of the families are having financial difficulties due to the economic situation in Latvia. Students enrolling in undergraduate programs today will face much more difficult challenges that we faced. 

RBS Alumni Association is willing to initiate support to the students and give them one of the best gifts of all time – education, and for that, we need your help. 

We are planning to raise around EUR 24.000 for a Bachelor of IT Leadership scholarship.

  • The scholarship would cover the full tuition fee and ‘’jump-start’’ money for the first 9 months to help students cover all the expenses related to studies. 
  • Scholarships will be provided to students that have financial difficulties and fulfill the academic requirements set by RBS. 

The feedback on Scholarship Award results will be provided to all contributors by email and announced publicly on RBS web page and media.

We would greatly appreciate your help in a form of donation at any amount you feel appropriate so together we could reach our goal to provide education for the students.

Rīgas Biznesa skolas Absolventu asociācija
Account: LV51HABA0551007259646
Bank: A/s “Swedbank”
Purpose of the payment: Donation for BITL scholarship

On behalf of RBS AA,
Janis Selga,
RBS AA President

Alumni Scholarship receiver

Emīls Valdmanis

My name is Emīls. I am a simple guy from a small town named Skrīveri. It is a beautiful little town near the Daugava, and is known for its sweets factory “Skrīveru saldumi”. I come from quite a large family – I have 4 younger brothers, 2 younger sisters and a lot of cousins, but I live with only two of my brothers.

I have always found school quite easy, therefore my grades have always been great. That is the reason why I participated in many different activities outside of school. I finished music school in the guitar class, danced folk dance for a few years, but one of my largest interests as long as I can remember is sports – I trained in handball for 9 years and afterwards I fell in love with basketball and the gym. However, that is not the only interest I have, another large interest of mine is computer technology (building computers, programming, fixing problems).

At first, I was not thinking of coming to RBS. I was introduced to RBS and the opportunity to potentially study with a scholarship in the BITL program by “Vītola fonds” and I am thankful to them for doing so. I thought – what do I have to lose? So, I applied and waited for the good news. Thankfully I was lucky enough to get the spot. I feel that this opportunity will open a lot of doors for me in the future and most important – I will be able to do something I really love.

Overall, I feel like I have accomplished a lot in my life so far and I aspire to do much more. A huge thanks to the RTU Riga Business School Alumni community for being so generous in providing me with this opportunity.

Scholarship recipient testimonials